Email #2:

Have fun with this!
You have permission to use this email (once you change it slightly
to make it more relevant to yourself). Make sure to copy and give credit at the 
end of your email in small letters. These emails will help you get started 
learning how to write your own. :) 

"Total Well Being"

Hi! This is Albie from Pasadena, California,
(Change this to be your name & details).

Not only do I love sailing but I love hiking up mountains for days at a time
and camping out in remote areas and "feeling close to nature". I find that 
I can think much more clearer and see my life from a whole different perspective.
Ever try it? Anyway...

(Now edit "my little story about myself" OUT and
write something different from yesterday and interesting
about yourself here and make it transition into the next line below:).

So I'm curious what your thoughts are on the total well being
of your Body, Soul and Spirit? 

Of course I've thought about all three of these subjects,
but I never really gave them the attention they deserve first in my mind and
then on a weekly basis. 

These three areas can be realized as this:

The Body: Eating right and exercise,

Soul: Taking care of your intellect, emotions and will,

Spirit: Taking care of your heart (the deepest part of you, the eternal).

Some people only focus on one. But balance is the key.
They are all important and each part you strengthen, strengthens the others. 

Having your financial life together fits together with this too as well as achieving your dreams.
Want to join my team and work together on building a business
and achieving this together?

Reply back to this email with the subject: "show me how" and I will.


Click for Email Address



Written by Albion Derbyshire © 2019 Inspired by Jim Rohn

   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692